Other articles included a collection of blog reviews, fake corporate profiles, and the use of online reviews from customers of company products. The lead article on the decline of email is posted on WSJ for public consumption and will be found at the end of this posting.
Class had prepared me for some of the ten questions that were a part of the "How Well Do You Know... the Cloud?" quiz. Here are four of the questions from the Wall Street Journal; I will withhold the easier questions. Answers will be provided "soon".
3) Which of these techniques is vital for creating cloud-computing centers?
A. Virtualization
B. Transubstantiation
C. Cannibalization
D. Insubordination
5) Match the provider with the cloud-based service.
A. Amazon
D. Microsoft
1. Azure
2. Elastic Compute Cloud
3. Decho
4. Cloudburst
7) IBM, EMC and Boeing Co. were among the companies signing what document whose title is reminiscent of a famous political statement?
A. Declaration of Cloud Computing
B. The Rights of Cloud
C. Mein Cloud
D. Open Cloud Manifesto
10) What August event was widely seen as an example of the risky nature of cloud computing?
A. Spread of Conficker virus
B. Gmail outage for more than an hour
C. Theft of identities over the Internet
D. Power outages in the Midwest
WSJ article "Why Email No Longer Rules..." http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203803904574431151489408372.html#articleTabs%3Darticle
Bill Stephens
I guess No.10 is B.
ReplyDeleteCorrect - the Gmail outage was an example of how Cloud Computing may not be a best solution for some. [Question 10 best answer is B]
ReplyDeleteNo.7 - Open Cloud Manifesto
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome name...
Microsoft came out against it for using some purportetly shady practices in getting companies to sign it.
Remaining answers:
ReplyDelete3) A. Virtualization with partial credit for C. Cannibalization (of existing data center computers]
5) A. Amazon 2. Elastic Compute Cloud
B. IBM 4. Cloudburst [cloud in a box, i.e. private cloud]
C. EMC 3. Decho [digital echo or backup cloud]
D. Microsoft 1. Azure [Microsoft version of ECC of Amazon]