Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mercury Group of CIS8020

August 22

Initial posting of the Mercury Group.
Our group of three is:
Bill (me)

I am new to blogging so this experience can only get better with time!
Our first group presentation is set for Week 3 so to date our group has been exchanging emails on our topic. Initial research is not turning up much material but we continue to dig.

Expect more from all of the Mercury group as the semester takes off!



  1. Hi!!

    This is Juhi from mercury group
    Topic our group is going to present in 3rd week is messaging patterns
    Mercury group welcomes everybody to post their experience(if any) with messaging patterns and even suggest good read up material on the same.

  2. Nice. You are the first group to set up the blog site. Congrat!

  3. I have experience with BizTalk and MessageWay. The company with which I am employed was looking for a replacement to convoluted shell scripts that at one time managed all of our messaging traffic.

    As a result of our parent company having an enterprise license for MessageWay and it being free for our company to use, the decision was made to implement MessageWay. It is not as powerful as BizTalk, however it is very easy to setup message routes, build Trading Partners, and even setup message translations between legacy EDI formats, XML, or flat files. It uses an integrated BASIC-like language for doing advanced mappings.

    While there is plenty of resources available on the web for BizTalk, MessageWay is a closed product. There are no public resources for seeking help. All training on the product comes directly from MessageWay or the product documentation bundled with the software.

    You can find out more information about MessageWay at If anyone would like to see it in action, I'd be happy to provide a demo.


  4. Great Post David!

    Now we know that at least someone will be paying attention in our presentation :). Kidding! We hope our presentation keeps everyone intrigued.

  5. Hey David

    I guess Biztalk and Messageway are Message Middleware Products just like IBM MQ series.How does an organisation decide on a middleware..I am assuming that all products provide the same functionality...does biztalk have any advantages over messageway.

  6. I really dont know anything about biztalk and MessageWay. But I did some googling and got to know about the terms.

    I found that Biztalk is a level above MessageWay and messageWay is one level above FTP in the way they exchange the documents and in providing security while transferring the documents.

    The order is Biztalk >> MessageWay >> FTP

    Relationship between Biztalk and FTP:
    A situation where you can get to know abt the practical scenario which shows how Biztalk works on FTP.
    David was talking about the uses of MessageView in his organisation and the above example provides you with the uses of Biztalk in an Organization.

    During integration they had a problem with FTP as it is accepting and storig multiple files with same names which cant be distinguished at all.But,Biztalk could solve their proble, as it has additional features over FTP while merging of files or integration.


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